Monday, 26 February 2018

Game Ideas - Brainstorming the Four Elements

  • Who you brainstormed with.
  • Myself me.

  • Your top 5 favourite ideas from each category.


game turn (TBS)


break the 4th wall (include yourself in the game action have concenquence)
mysterious (with a hiding past)
repair a broken world (you are the king but you dont know)
exploring dungeons 


pixel graphics
manga style


connected to a server whitout dowload 

Find 3 ways to mix and match your top ideas.

-Repair a broken world . enigma/puzzle . pixel graphics . PC.
This idea is a game that i actually want to do.So the storie is you are the ultime creator YOU not your character who is in the game pnj are gonna talk to you THE PLAYER not the character because he's just here to complet a mission as a hollow body. you are gonna passe enigma puzzle to discor how to rebuild/repair the brokenworld with a interresting story/feelings with your hollow character.All type of people could feet but more easily young people

-Vocaltchat . roleplay . 3D . PC/Console
The idea is to create a COMPLETE MMORPG WORLD not as VRCHAT(who is more for fun) But real roleplay as a real world with monster/dungeons/House managing the community is going to have a complet impact on the world where they are playing.If you die your account get permanent banned no second chance you will need to buy the game again et restart.This game would not be for casual player more for hardcore who wants to have a complet immersif experiance.

-mysterious (with a hiding past) . game turn (TBS) . 2D . PC

With a story that you will descover during the advancement of the game creating a desire to continue and advance in the story to understand what's happening more you progress more the hype will be huge.
A game turn would be accessible for everytype of age because opening a large public older and youger would like it.But the difficulty of the battles would be much hard when you advance in the story maybe creating frustration for the young ones who will have to use strategy.

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