Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Game Designer Skills


Why game ? because i already have experience on hundred and hundred mmorpg fps moba open world etc etc..And they give me sometimes passe to the close-beta and alpha beta too i think for this aptitude you need to have experience not only when the game is finish but when he start so you can have a general idea how the game is evolving and that's can help for like experience and inspiration not copying but see how they do is always good to build your own tools..


Architecture is one of the best because you can express yourself by creating something in your head and build up a game from your own vision and it's something very creative because it's a game it's your own world with no limits you can create everything you want and for me that's the big point.
And I already have experience in that's kind of Skills and it's pretty interesting and fun and the same time because you do what you want. (Or maybe have instruction from your superior but it's always fun to add you own sauce because that's make the game unique)


Why this one ? Because when you create a game it will be often as a group and a studio that traits each others in a good manners it's a studio how succeed because the game would be effected.A good visualisation of the team is a big point understanding the point of each other no exclude someone be open mind to everyone and every project.I already have experience when we build a map as a team  sometimes people don't have the same ideas so then we listen to everyone and give our opinions.
 I like this when we have harmony in a team the project can advance more fast build friends and a good project.


I am just really bad at math and if i learn it would be a big challenge!
 like resolve how to  become god for me it's the same things soo hard..xD
I can understand and write coding but math it's impossible my brain shut down..
and i know math is a big point for game design but yeaah everyone have his weakness >(^.^'')>

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