Thursday, 17 May 2018

Blender Game Engine 3 - Dying/Respawning

Image plus files here

Based on your experience with other game design environments, what do you think we might try to do in order to limit the number of re-spawns to a certain value (for example, you may want your character to only have 5 lives)?

In a lazy way I could just create 4 cubes in others ''dimension'' and make them change every time you die

the other way is to configure with a trigger notion and actor message to the other cube to put a limit of spawning 4 time

Monday, 26 February 2018

Ideas for Story, Info Tracking, and Community

Repair a broken world
Enigma puzzle
Pixel graphics 

  • What is the setting? Do you know the time and/or location that this game takes place? How important is this to the story?

The place would be a imaginatif world created by you so everything would be magic or even not real but some part are close to this world like maybe robots,electricity.

  • What is the background/history of this game? What events have led up to the point at which we enter the game? How much of this does the player need to know?
So we enter in a broken world created by YOU the god of this imaginatif world but you failed because this world have bugs because you have just begin programming ''This world'' In reality you didnt really code but you will need to do some roleplay.
Bugs mean problem some programming have developped the skill to self-develop thier programme as robots with  intelligences  so they expand this ''world''
You as the creator have decided to create a character to act directly on the problem to solve by picking up the wrongs code and understanding how programme can self devlopp by running the game and enter to see by you self.

  • What is the current situation as we play the game? What are the player's goals? What challenges or obstacles are there to overcome? This is some of the most relevant information to develop game play.

you would need to stop the bugs in your game learn to ''code'' by picking up the goods codes created by the friendly programmers able to learn how they code so you can repair ''your game'' repeat it's roleplay you will just pick up items not real codes.

  • What characters are involved? Who are they? Would the player interact with them? Would multiple players take those roles?

 You the god in real life would be detested by the ''bad'' programms because they feel incomplet by your bad skill

Your hollow robot dont have feelings because is missing codes that he need to pick up in this world

and the good png/programms who will help you during this trips with advices and ''good codes'' that you will need to pick up by helping them

  • Do we know anything about the future of this story? Does it depend on what happens in the game?
the game is going to have a simple end like everything is fix and now you can work more in your game with your new skills that you learn by picking up items in the game roleplay you will just finish BUT

you have a secret end where your robot will go in the corrupted dimmension unlock if you finish the game with specefic hidden objects that you will have to complete the game at 100% to unlock this world 

  • High importance - needs to be displayed on screen at all times.
the life of you characters and the stamina bar

  • Medium importance - doesn't have to be immediately accessible, but the player should be able to check it when they need to.
what item you need to find or the quest that is actually running 

  • Low importance - could be hidden in a menu somewhere or even tracked in the background. Would rarely be checked or referred to.
the level of friendship with others png in order to unlock special quest/Hidding scenes.

  • Considering the kind of technology that you included in this Mechanics/Story/Aesthetics/Technology combination, how would you provide access to the highmedium, and low importance data?
  • Medium importance he can find with a tab for exemple quickly so his not annoy during the gameplay with the big case saying the quest
low importance data is going to be found with a menu as a pause menu so you can precisely found amoung all the png in the game which is a massive amount of information.

  1. Create community. Many games are successful because of their social aspect, but this can look very different from game to game. Consider the following questions:                                                                           
  2.  How many players are appropriate for your game? Is it single-player? Multiple players working individually? Multiple players working as a team?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Single player but with a huge fan base on internet trying to maybe create theorys about the futur game what's gonna happen why this robot is lost in a magic world people are gonna have question.                   
  3. Is there an AI (artificial intelligence) engine to compete against
          yes the bad programms are gonna be the AI that you need to kill/purify

Should there be a community *outside* of the actual gameplay? Would interactions between community members involve conversations / forum discussions? What do 

yes as a said a huge fanbase on internet who will create theorys about the game because it is not the game that goes to the top game but the community who wears it until the top by supporting it

Game Ideas - Brainstorming the Four Elements

  • Who you brainstormed with.
  • Myself me.

  • Your top 5 favourite ideas from each category.


game turn (TBS)


break the 4th wall (include yourself in the game action have concenquence)
mysterious (with a hiding past)
repair a broken world (you are the king but you dont know)
exploring dungeons 


pixel graphics
manga style


connected to a server whitout dowload 

Find 3 ways to mix and match your top ideas.

-Repair a broken world . enigma/puzzle . pixel graphics . PC.
This idea is a game that i actually want to do.So the storie is you are the ultime creator YOU not your character who is in the game pnj are gonna talk to you THE PLAYER not the character because he's just here to complet a mission as a hollow body. you are gonna passe enigma puzzle to discor how to rebuild/repair the brokenworld with a interresting story/feelings with your hollow character.All type of people could feet but more easily young people

-Vocaltchat . roleplay . 3D . PC/Console
The idea is to create a COMPLETE MMORPG WORLD not as VRCHAT(who is more for fun) But real roleplay as a real world with monster/dungeons/House managing the community is going to have a complet impact on the world where they are playing.If you die your account get permanent banned no second chance you will need to buy the game again et restart.This game would not be for casual player more for hardcore who wants to have a complet immersif experiance.

-mysterious (with a hiding past) . game turn (TBS) . 2D . PC

With a story that you will descover during the advancement of the game creating a desire to continue and advance in the story to understand what's happening more you progress more the hype will be huge.
A game turn would be accessible for everytype of age because opening a large public older and youger would like it.But the difficulty of the battles would be much hard when you advance in the story maybe creating frustration for the young ones who will have to use strategy.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Build your own game

The coding part in not completed I only finished the smooth view collide control
all the elements, everything in this game are from me even the animations
But I think I did have to much ideas and not ready for it. Its a experience and I learned from it.

this is my work do not copy it or even modify the sprites. I will continue in the future I just need to advance in the work.


Thursday, 30 November 2017

Unity 2D UFO Mods:

1- Which step in the list above was the most challenging for you? In a short paragraph, describe why it was particularly difficult or what problems you had, as well as what steps you took to solve those problems and what you learned in the process.

For me it was the script part because every error in the script even if it's a letter can be an error
And you need to learn the language used here it's C# it's pretty confusing you gonna learn that's every

And I learned teamwork is very important because sometimes others peoples can see little errors that you cant because you tired or you tried 10x times it's good to have a different view of your work
So yes big companies have many peoples because teamwork is important