Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Kodu - Intro

This is my level kudo you are chase by a bot he can stun you and shoot you
and the tower shoot missile/gun
the movespeed of your kudo is super fast so if you rush to fast you take the wall and slow
this level is hardcore that why I like it because you need go fast and protect you from the missile with you left click he spawn a ballon with the ballon you can protect from the missile

The programming its logic its not very hard
but the programming for the level finish when you have 5 apples its hard

the questions is the level its to easy you just need to take 5 apples and its over soo I create more bots he shoots you and your movespeed is super fast so you cant rush

Monday, 24 October 2016

Animated Pixel Art
My gif is totoro

Tada my gif :D finish

Tuesday, 11 October 2016


Here you can use the pincel for the pixelart 
Pixel Art

Tada today I make this is a pixel art from a game Undertale is 
DOGGO                            The reference:


                                                                                                    My pixel art finish :D


Thursday, 6 October 2016

Photoshop Intro Mlg 360 noscope

Hiii so today i make this image header for my blog with this image:

I have use photoshop and the magic wood baguette and you need to take off all the background of the first image with the magique

for see the background and for the dog i add sun glass B) cool han ? so you fusion all and TADA you make your image header easy han ?


Thursday, 29 September 2016


What game(s) stood out to you and why ? happy wheels why ? its soo funny see this your character try finish the level with one feet x)

What games were "good" games? Use some of the vocabulary in the Game Design Elements chart to describe what elements were "good"
Happy wheels because the level (stage) his infinite because you can create your stage you have different characters Bloooood x) and fun

What games were "bad" games? Use some of the vocabulary in the Game Design Elements chart to describe what elements were "bad".
 Fury road Galaxy jump the graphic is simple and the gameplay

 ''tooo easy'' Draven say

Review your favourite game of the day. Your review should be about two paragraphs and should include

Mmmmh my favorite game is strike force 3 i cant try more games but this game is cool

the level of the game is more and more hard because is stages you can upgrade your weapons stuffs have more ''heroes'' and create your team with your heroes change the stuff of your team and the game moove its not static but some time the game is repetitive i don't see me play this game all day if you want play on this game click here

Rate ? mmh 6/10

Link to the chart document

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

What is your name? First name, last initial please

Alexandre R

What name do you prefer to be called?

Alex (Gommit on Twitch)

What block are you in?

What grade are you in?


What is your favourite video game(s)?

League of legends Overwatch
Black desert online
S4 league etc etc

Which video game(s) are you currently playing?

League of legends/overwatch tera/blade and soul

Why did you take this class?

I want to learn more about game and photoshop

What are you hoping to learn in this class? Be specific, for example what programs or programming languages are you interested in? What about the creative side of game design?

Photoshop/Coding learn more.its fun play game but I want understand how he create this game

What grade are you hoping to achieve in this class?

A :')

How can you achieve this grade?

Work and understand my lessons

What do you want or need from your teacher in this class to be successful?

Help when I don't understand something

What are you interested in outside of video games?

Draw/make montage on pc (background with photoshop)And live on twitch. My channel twitch

I wish my teacher knew...

mmhh I don't know :')

Tell me something interesting about yourself.
i want to be the very best tintinn.. for me the pc its my second house I play video game since my 6~5 years old o: